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Old 08-26-2005, 02:21 AM
PokerBob PokerBob is offline
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Default Re: Potawanomi Report

other retard calls and shows King-high WHICH IS GOOD.

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WTF? I didn't realize the 10/20 game down there was so good.

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Haven't played the game, but I've heard that the 20/40 game there plays just like 2/4. Same type of players, just more money to throw away.

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I asked a floor guy (I recognized him from Canterbury. Apparently he heads to MN 3 weekends a month to play there, as he is not allowed to play at Potawanomi)about the 20 game, and he said that last week it was wild. By the way, it only goes on Fridays at 4pm, and that is if they have enough guys.
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