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Old 08-25-2005, 10:43 PM
Michael C. Michael C. is offline
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Default Re: I think this is the first hand i have ever posted...

There's no way you have enough information to say villians call was terrible. Has Fiery been pushing a lot? If so I could definitely see myself calling here if I was pretty sure I was the favorite, and quite possibly a huge favorite (where do you get "small favorite at best?" Nobody ever pushes 98s from you from the small blind in your game? A5?). Also, how aggressive has villain been? If he got his stack by bullying the table, it might not be quite as easy to just steal at will, as one of the medium stacks could make a stand soon with the blinds getting high. All things being equal, I agree folding is the best play. But I could see myself calling here in quite a few situations.
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