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Old 08-25-2005, 10:18 PM
PokerBob PokerBob is offline
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Default Potawanomi Report

So I rolled in today around 11. I called ahead and got on the 10/20 list, even though they didn't have one going yet. I got on a 2/4 table in about 5 min. Played a few orbits, and then got called to 5/10. I played there for an hour or so, and then they started the 10/20 game. Most of the players in the 10 game were waiting to get into the NL games, which IMO is a GREAT sign. The game itself was passive and awesome. The players were simply horrible. There was one guy who had some clue, but the rest of them were complete monkies. The hand of the day was the following:

2 limpers, dude raises, other dude 3-bets, CO coldcalls, I cold cap AKo from the SB. All the monkies call. The flop is all blanks. I check, checks to the CO who bets, I raise for fun, 2 retards cold call. the turn is a blank. I check, CO bets, 3 of us call. river is a blank. Checks to CO who bets, I fold, one monkey folds, other retard calls and shows King-high WHICH IS GOOD. CO had Q8o and flips out that no one else called and let K-high win it. "This is why I hate limit", he says. AWESOME game. Dealers seemed OK. They don't allow cell-phones, which I kinda get, but they don't allow headphones or any electronic devices. (No ipod means I had to listen to the drivel spewing from these monkies, but it was actually quite hilarious.) I asked if my battery operated watch was OK, the dealer said yes.
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