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Old 08-25-2005, 03:06 PM
SheetWise SheetWise is offline
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Default Re: Challenge

Being able to leverage the oldest political party alive today and the changes within that have come about in the last 200 years sure adds some perceived strength to your argument, but the modern Democratic party is hardly the same as it was pre-1960.

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You mention a 200 year history, but are only willing to defend the last 45? And this, you believe, was the period when the democratic party did a 180?

After looking at my County/State info, (Davis-Bacon) doesn't "look" discriminatory by CoL standards to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then I have to assume you are not trying to "break into" these markets. Price fixing is only discriminatory to people outside the franchise. Read, minorities.

I'm sure I don't understand the rest of your post in the context of my post.

To clarify my position --

The Democrats fought against civil rights for blacks up to and through the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. When it was clear Democrats would lose the fight -- they immediately followed the legislation up with the "Great Society" vision and a "War on Poverty".

Think about this as a rational person. A political party fights civil rights for minorities tooth and nail -- and after losing the battle they immediately declare a "War on Poverty" and pass social welfare programs designed to "help" minorities? The programs they create, despite their stated objective of ending poverty and racial injustice, have a negative effect and generate a cycle of poverty for minorities and institutionalize racial injustice. A coincidence?

Adherence to the principle of parsimony would logically lead us to believe that the Great Society was really a plan to to keep the newly empowered blacks back "on the plantation". It worked beautifully.

It took Republicans over 40 years to undo the chains of slavery Democrats placed on minorities with their "compassion". It came in the form of welfare reform. And just like the Civil Rights act in '64, Democrats (in the form of Bill Clinton) were dragged into it kicking and screaming. And after losing the battle, just like after the Civil Rights act, Democrats claim the credit and moral high ground.

Do you really wonder why consertvatives don't take you seriously?
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