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Old 08-25-2005, 08:52 AM
jrz1972 jrz1972 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 368
Default Re: Who Pays Taxes on Poker Earnings? (POLL)

I would like to inform all of you worry warts out there that 1/3 of all Americans either intentionally or accidently pay there taxes illegally. Also businesses are MUCH more likely to be audited than are citizens. The united States Also has nearly three hundred million people. Although internted gambling may start to piss off uncle sam and they may decide to audit the players who are reporting.{Atleast more frequently than those who aren't} It would be alot easier to catch those who are reporting than go through millions of citizens financial records to find the few thousand individuals who are actually cheating the government out of a measly 50 grand.Because the irs will know that they can slap a fine on you just because of the uncertanty of what is to be defined as a poker session.

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Just keep telling yourself that. Yes, it is definitely safer to deliberately fail to report than to report your winnings honestly. Makes sense to me.
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