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Old 08-25-2005, 02:06 AM
New001 New001 is offline
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Default Re: US Evangelist Calls for Assasination of Venezuelan leader

Maybe I didn't phrase my claim well enough. You don't think that, should an opinion like his become mainstream, it would negatively effect the average American more than terrorism? If our country assassinated every dangerous leader or (oftentimes, it would probably require both) tried to take over everyone that opposed us?

Please give current examples where evangelist Christians have commited random acts of terrorism and murder on the orders of their religious leaders. Or please rethink such a foolish statement. Thank you.

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Random acts of terrorism? Terrorism, at least what we have seen in this country, has been for a purpose. A warped, fanatical, religiously-devoted purpose, but to those commiting these acts, they are serving a purpose.

Please tell me, how is Pat R.'s suggestion that we assassinate the Venezuelan leader any different than Bin Laden suggesting his followers kill our leader (or us)? Just because Bin Laden's people are more likely to follow through with it doesn't make either of their suggestions better than the other.

If Pat Robertson's ideas were as widely accepted in our country as Muslim extremism is among the rest of the world, I think it would be much worse for us.
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