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Old 08-25-2005, 12:51 AM
arod15 arod15 is offline
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Default Re: Who has any experience in the bar/restaurant biz?

I just took a well paying job, selling/maintaining/installing Point of Servce (POS- flat screens, touch screens, av equip, cash registers etc at restuarants/small biz etc) equipment, along with poker, and a few other business options I am working on, I should be out of the 60k debt by the time I graduate, and maybe have a few bucks saved up. I really like selling this stuff, and I dont mind installing it, Ive also networked with a TON of restaurant owners, and have decided that by the time Im 27/28, (23 now), I want to open up a little corner bar, at the same time I open up my own biz (rather than working for someone), in the POS industry. I figure that I will be able to open the bar, after I get some help w/ training from the connections I make, then hire 2-3 bartenders etc to bartend, then I can do my POS thing during the day, and do the GM stuff at the bar at night. How feasible is something like this? How tough is it (time/talent-wise) to make a bar profitable, if its a smallish neighboorhood bar, and thoughts on the rest?

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It is very difficult. There is a ton of start up costs in opening a bar. First is getting the liquor license. Most towns have a limit to the number of licenses they can issue. Therefore to obtain one you need to buy it from somoeone. And people arent that willing to sell those, at least not at a reasonable price. Then you need to find great location, which equates to big money. The biggest factor in most of these pubs success or failure is location. So with high start up cost, and what appears to be a very low understanding of the framwork, i think your idea is unrealistic. If you are really interested, tend bar part time learn a bit about that aspect, you have to learn to opperate the business. Also, its good to know the bar aspect as it has a high probabiliy of shrinkage. Bartenders are all crooks i know i was one.
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