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Old 08-24-2005, 08:09 PM
Autocratic Autocratic is offline
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Default Re: Iraq War (a few facts)

I appreciate all of the replies to my original post. Here are my thoughts after reading them all.

The liberals have shown once again they have no concept of how to handle themselves when times get tough. If the liberals of today were in charge 250 years ago we would all be paying out the ass to the Brits for tea. Something must be genetically inferior in the liberal mind to cause them to cry like weak schools girls when it comes time to defend freedom. Watch the 1 hour long documentary (History channel) on the Marines as they took Fallujah. Specifically pay attention to the young Marine who spent all day as point man for his squad going from house to house to root out the insurgents. There is not one liberal alive that has the stones to do what that man did. That is the type of man who fought for United States independence and who is fighting for freedom for the Iraqi people.
Thoroughout American history liberals have failed in the competitive political arena whenever a strong leader was needed (and don't bother throwing out JFK, he was not a liberal by today's standards). The strong survive and rise to the top, and by Darwin's survival theory this can NEVER be a liberal. They just don't have what it takes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've read your reply and here are my thoughts:

You are totally unable to properly respond to our arguments, which have generally been cohesive and articulate. You response is a generic, "liberals are pussies" type that doesn't actually correspond to the argument.

While I have absolutely nothing to base this on, my guess is that all you do is listen to either talk radio or a nightly conservative broadcast (no matter which it be), and then try to tackle message boards, which unfortunately for you are often full of far more intelligent people.

Now, aside from the fact that liberals are little bitches, which you have totally proven, how about you respond to the fact that basically all of your initial 5 points have been deemed incorrect. As many people have responded with well thought-out arguments, perhaps you can throw out a counter-counter-punch. Or maybe you'll continue posting like this, which is roughly equivalent to vomiting through your keyboard and onto the forum.

On Edit: While this is just giving you a reason to not respond to the first part of my post, that's fine, because you're not going to have a good response anyway. But as for a strong liberal president...FDR. You see, while he did start the New Deal, and you disagree with that I assume, as do many people, he still planned and executed our entry into WWII. "But Autocratic, you fool, he only did it because the Japanese attacked us first! Clearly you know this and I am right once again!" Why yes, that did end up being our breaking point. However, for several years prior, FDR had been preparing the military (and the nation) for what he viewed as an inevitable war with Germany. Also, LBJ certainly wasn't a pussy. He started up Vietnam for practically no reason!
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