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Old 08-24-2005, 03:33 PM
BigEndian BigEndian is offline
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Location: Atlanta, GA
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Default What is the #1 thing that is holding you back from the next level?

Hopefully, people will get as much as I have while I've been thinking about this.

It used to be that my number one liability was hand reading skills and using that information to minimize loses and maximize earn. I'm still not nearly as good as I could be, but I have improved this area dramatically in the past few months (which included a shot at the 15/30 and 10/20 games - no coincidence there).

Now, I think my biggest problem occurs in live games (occaisionally in online games). I care what others think about me and my play. This leads to two really unfortunate situations. If I'm losing, I tilt faster because I'm embarrassed. If I'm winning, I splash money around and give too much action as a point of pride.

To help myself with this, I plan on reading Zen in the Art of Archery (should arrive Friday or Monday) and making an concious effort to try to avoid the rollercoster known as arrogance. Maybe I could get a nifty little card marker that says, "focus, play and win without pride."

Anyone else care to share?

- Jim
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