Thread: Dr. Phil today
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Old 08-24-2005, 11:54 AM
Vee Quiva Vee Quiva is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 66
Default Re: Dr. Phil today

The problem with Dr. Phil's shows is often times he brings in bad examples of the problem he wants to discuss. Obviously this guy is a gambling addict and needs help. You cannot imply from this guy that poker is a losing proposition.

He should have brought in a real professional gambler with some success and who is going through a bad run. That would have been more realistic.

Another example was a show where he had the real "Coach Carter" on from the movie and he brought in a couple of kids with dreams of going pro after highschool ala LeBron James. One was a skinny white kid with a jew fro. They show him shooting baskets in the front yard with the worst form I have ever seen. One of the first questions they ask him is, "Are you the best player on your team?" He hems and haws and says "No". If you're not even the best player on your team, how can he harbor any real feelings about going pro?

C'mon Phil if you're going to have a show on a topic, bring in a guest where the they can have a legitimate discussion!
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