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Old 08-24-2005, 09:11 AM
MtSmalls MtSmalls is offline
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Default Re: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans

It appears, with minor differences in syntax that Article 1-4 and Rule 14 are basically the same statement. The DNC piece goes a step further to encourage the participation of all Democrats (meanining everyone), with particular concern (NOT EXCLUSIVE CONCERN) of minorities.

Could it be, using adult abilities of reasoning, that the basic assumption is that the "white male" as you put it, has always been a dominant force (indeed the ONLY force for the first 100 years of our Country), and that they are included in the "Every Democrat"?

Doesn't the prescence of BOTH articles in the DNC charter in fact NOT "single out one particular group" as you put it? If so, the questions 2 and 3 are non-sensical (as in fact they are).
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