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Old 08-24-2005, 08:50 AM
Phill S Phill S is offline
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Location: Nr Manchester, England
Posts: 255
Default Re: Try to get me to stay in school....

What do you want from life?

What job would interest you most? The greatest piece of advice my dad ever gave to me was "find soemthing you really love and work out how to make a living from it".

Right now, that means poker to you. But what about long term?

Getting a degree is a great thing, but only if you're getting one for a reason. Getting a degree to make someone else happy and taking an easy degree to overcome your lack of motivation arent reasons and they arent answers.


To give you an idea of what i mean, when i was 18 i quite education (remember this is in the UK so college/university is slightly different from what i know of the US system).

I ended up working shitty admin jobs, even doing a spell in a call centre, all in the hope of getting 'experience' and meanwhile trying to find some sort of career job where i could end up in management.

This didnt happen.

At the age of 20 i was sick of the shitty grunt work, i was sick of going to job interviews where i was more 'qualified' to do the work, but the fuckwit who went to uni and got the degree got the job.

If you cant beat the system, you have to become a part of that system.

Now, one year on im in education in a different part of the country, studying for a Business and Management degree. Ive finished my first year and, assuming i fly through my 1 resit next week, i start my second year at the end of september.

I dont think my degree will help me much in my future career (whatever that may become) however its the degree on my CV that will allow me to get a foot in the door.

Those two years out can often be looked upon as a waste of my time. However i see it as the two years i needed to grow from the boy i was to the man i am. If i had gone to uni i would have ended up doing some shitty soft course in 'surf studies' or some other such bull that lots of people take. Its the two years out of education that allowed me to see what education is there for and to help me move on with my life.


So, in conlusion, whats right for you?

Do you take a break, hoping to go back to uni/college later in life (no shame in that)?

Do you continue with a Psych degree that its clear means nothing to you but will keep your parents happy?

Will you do the engineering degree that is hard, requires lots of work, and will keep your parents even happier?

Will you find a degree that interests you and work towards that?

Will you remain a poker pro?

Will you mix in a few of the above?

Its all up to you.

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