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Old 08-23-2005, 03:31 PM
Peter-23 Peter-23 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 44
Default Re: Odds house vs. four of a kind

No, I mean if we have a full board of five cards with one pair and the rest of different rank.

I have a pocket pair that make a set with one of the three diffrent ranks and of cause a house since there is a pair on board.

If I play 1000 hands and get at least three houses. What are the odds that someone else will get four of a kind three of those times.

This is perhaps nonsens knowlage but I just like to know how rare it is to have these kind of events occur this close together.

Actually I try to figure out the probability for extreme events to happen within a playing session.

Lets say I play 1000 hand each day, then how many days a week or moth or year will extreme events like this occur.

If you could tell me how to calculate it for my self I would be very gratefull.

(assume ten handed tables).
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