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Old 08-21-2005, 10:58 PM
timprov timprov is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 88
Default Re: A family with a history of addiction ... and me

It sounds like you have something of an obsessive personality. There's nothing wrong with that, but you can see how combining that with a poker interest might look like gambling addiction from the outside. And it's worth watching in yourself as it could always develop into something worse. I have two suggestions for you:

1. Get another hobby/interest. I'm not saying you should abandon poker for it, but realize that if you're spending all your time thinking about holdem and the NFL you're an incredibly boring human being.

2. Presuming they trust your wife and she's willing, have her do regular (quarterly?) audits of your gambling finances. This is the best way to combat both gambling addiction and the illusion of it -- have a responsible, non-gambler party with access to all the data. This will both reassure her family, and give you a backup system in case you ever do start unreasonably chasing losses.
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