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Old 08-21-2005, 10:30 PM
Greg J Greg J is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Baton rouge LA
Posts: 10
Default Re: A family with a history of addiction ... and me

I too have a family history of addiction. I have at least 2 generations of alcoholism. After reading yr post I think you seem like a guy with yr head on straight who wants to keep it that way, the same way I try to be. The problem is, as someone who has a history of addictions, we are even less apt know ehen we HAVE a problem. But you have a great tool at yr disposal -- the same one I have: a spouse.

You are a lucky man, as am I. I have had a talk with my wife about this, and have also talked with my family. I would not know it if I ever developed a real problem with drinking, so I have to rely on my wife. She will tell me. I'm a guy that loves his beer (southern Louisiana has this great microbrew called Abita), so I could see how I could get into a cycle when I drink too much too often. She also knows I love poker, and gambling is a potential addiction. My wife won't let that happen -- she is a wonderful woman who takes it upon herself to make sure it won't. I'm a lucky guy.

I have not seen my dad in like 20 years (I'm 28). He's an alcholic and drug addict, and as far as I know never succesfully went into recovery. (He could be dead for all I know.) These things haunt us -- it's something I have carried with me my entire life, and those that have not have no idea what it is like.

I would encourage you to be as open with your family as is possible. If they are worried you have a gambling problem, maybe you should sit down with them and tell them about your poker playing. Let them ask anything they want, and be honest with them. Tell them you enjoy the game, and why. Make your case.

It's good to be a little worried about these issues I think. I have it, and hope I never lose it. The fact that you made this post likely demonstrates you are okay right now.

On a side note: it's good to see someone who has these same thoughts.
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