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Old 08-21-2005, 10:26 PM
Soxx Clinton Soxx Clinton is offline
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Default Re: A family with a history of addiction ... and me

Hey bro that is a great topic.

I agree with the others that I don't think you have a physiological gambling problem at this point- I think the issue is more to do with your family and relationships (and they seem lucky to have you in their life as you obviously are considerate and respectful towards them).

But remember, one of the earmarks of addiction is the inability to stop playing despite adverse consequences. If it ever gets to the point where poker causes real problems beyond the occasional well-meaning comment and it threatens to cause a big rift in your family then continuing to play would actually be getting closer to fitting the definition of addiction.

It doesn't sound like it is anywhere near that point and that they are just voicing some concerns- but if gets more heated and it really starts to threaten your relationships then continuing the activity would technically classify as addictive behavior in at least this sense.

I think I would just lay low without actually lying or hiding it (lying or hiding a behavior is another symptom of addiction) and if addressed directly about it, you can explain your position in the above post. After a time these folks will find something else to worry about if no obvious problems appear.

Best of luck to you- I have also dealt with addiction stuff, both personally and in my family and it is all tricky as hell.
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