Thread: Flat Tax?
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Old 08-21-2005, 09:20 PM
BadBoyBenny BadBoyBenny is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 66
Default Re: Flat Tax?

1.) I think if a flat tax is propsoed then it should include all national taxes (Social Security). What would this raise the rate to?

2.) What about the people who are getting deductions on their mortgage interest. They made a long term purchase, with the understanding that the government gives them some economic benfits for making that purchase, now maybe they have to scrap other plans to afford their house payments. Besdies the potential duplicity, I also think that hte government is right to encourage home ownership, because it is the only thing that offests the consumer debt in this country.

3.) If he plans to use both the current tax code and the new flat tas code, how would that simplify the code or reduce the intellectual capital spent complying. It sounds like what he is proposing is a new AMT, not a new tax system.
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