Thread: a hand
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Old 08-21-2005, 06:45 PM
imported_stealthcow imported_stealthcow is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 53
Default Re: a hand

i'm glad you posted this hand, because we had a lot of short some postive some negative comments about this hand, and i'm looking for someone to weigh in maybe with some deeper analysis about this situation.

the turn is standard. you can't fold getting 6.5 to 1. you've got outs to the A, Q and possibly the T. thats somwhere between 7-10 outs, and i'm pretty sure you are assured an extra bet as implied odds.

the river is completely player dependant.

the flop is interesting. we assumed that we're getting 10 to 1 to make this flop call. we're staying in with any A K Q T or 9 on the turn. thats 18? cards, which is a lot.

but of those 18, 12 of them just lead you to draw for the river. from there you'll be drawing to somewhere between 7-10 outs. and you'll hit that about 1 in 3-4 times. so 12 of those outs should be considered 3-4 good outs.(someone please tell me this logic works) so on the flop i think you've got 9-10 outs. (if youre T isn't good as a hand, which i think it is for the most part, that'll drop to 5-6 outs)

so yea, you played this hand fine in my opinion. if this player is at all passive, i think yo should 3bet this flop so you can get a free turn or showdown.

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