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Old 08-20-2005, 02:14 PM
zipo zipo is offline
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Default Re: Zippo lighter

>>have you ever been to Isreal? Have you seen children being pushed out of there homes, sometimes viloently(sp) to make way for Patriot Missile traning and launching stations.<<

What I have seen is massive throngs of palestinians dancing in the streets on 9/11, celebrating the murder of thousands and thousands of innocent civilians at the hands of islamic terrorists.

The palestinians showed the entire world that day exactly who and what they are. Clearly, this is not a people or a culture that one can negotiate with reasonably or decently.

The Israelis made a bold and dramatic move in pulling out of Gaza to promote peace. I would be very, very surprised if the palestinians responded to this astounding and dramatic israelis peace offering with anything except more terrorism.
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