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Old 08-20-2005, 11:31 AM
siegfriedandroy siegfriedandroy is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 66
Default Re: 30/60 yearly income

Thanks for the responses.

I dont think my #'s are off, nightwish. My post merely said that assuming those #'s, you can expect around a mill, or 1.5 mill even, as I was corrected.

So 8 tables 40 hrs/week is hell, apparently (i wouldnt know). But 20 hrs is tolerable? If 40 is really that miserable and hellish, it seems 20 or more would be almost that bad. With 168 hrs in a week, 20 v. 40 really doesnt seem to be such an amazing difference, especially if it means double your income. I'd gladly go through that 40 hr a week hell, if I was one of those lucky few who could be reasonably confident of making a cool mill. Gotta beat slaving away at a large corporate law firm 80+ hrs a week for just about 100k after taxes, which is the path im headed on now. Come on, fellas. Slave away for a year or two online, put away enough to invest safely for the rest of your life, and your just about set. Man, if this is true, one of you super pros needs to take me under his wing. Id gladly pay any of you 1 or 2 hundred k a year, if you could make my ev anywhere near 1 mill a year.

So if noone (or a very slim few) is making this in limit online, how many are approaching that '20 hr' rate of somewhere between 500k and 750k.

How many of you 2 + 2 ers are making that? I want to know whose posts to read! Really just kind of curious how many 'good' 1 1/2 bb/100 4 to 8 tabling 30/60 pros really exist, who maintain that rate over the course of a year. Say with at least 15 hours a week.

Any more thoughts? Enjoyed the first batch of posts.

"If I had a million dollars, I would sit at home all day, and I would do nothing."

But "the question is bullshit to begin with,..." (cant remember the rest!)
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