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Old 08-20-2005, 02:32 AM
jaxmike jaxmike is offline
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Default Re: Bush asks for sacrifice he doesn\'t ask of himself

No, Clinton "served" his two terms. Got us attacked on 9/11 it looks like too. Good work Slick Willy.

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Jeebus F-ing Christ!!! That is even more stupid than attacking Bush because he goes to Texas a lot.

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I beg to differ. First, I didn't draw any conclusions, there simply are not enough facts yet. However, if you look at what his administration did. REPEATEDLY turning down Bin Laden when he was offered to us by the Saudis. Intentionally putting up barriers between agencies so they could not share information.

I would have to say that IF Clinton had done his job, we would have captured Bin Laden in the late 90s when he was offered to us. We COULD have taken him to investigate links between him and the FIRST WTC bombing.

Furthermore, if the ADMINISTRATION had not gone OUT OF ITS WAY to BLOCK the intelligence community, military, and law enforcement agencies from sharing information its possible, and I dare say PROBABLE that we would have STOPPED 9/11 from happening. (at least when it did)

That's not to say that if Clinton did everything he was supposed to do we wouldn't have to worry about terror now. I just think he totally and completely ignored his duty to defend this nation.
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