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Old 08-19-2005, 04:50 PM
jaxmike jaxmike is offline
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Default Re: Bush asks for sacrifice he doesn\'t ask of himself


One would think that the president of the United States holds the most stressful job ever. Isn't it wonderful that our pompous president is in such excellent condition healthwise?

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First, why call him pompous. I think hes actually quite humble. Already this guy screams moron.

And why not? His eligible daughters aren't in Iraq protecting our country like so many others, more than 1,800 who have given their lives for a war that he started.

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Volunteer military. Now that that's out of the way. The war was not started by him. But I won't argue that.

With a smirk on his face, he says, "We will stay the course." Who is "we?" Not him or his family. Heck no.

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Why a smirk? Because this guy hates Bush for some reason. We is the people of this country. He IS one of the people. There.

He's on a month's vacation. If he's so gung-ho about this war, show us some guts and send your kids to the front lines.

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No, its a volunteer army, or is this person so stupid they can't understand that.

This war is not being won; the insurgents just keep on coming. And terrorism has gotten much worse since he began this senseless war.

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Funny how the Al-Qaeda leadership don't really think they are winning the war. Funny how Iraq is about to have a Constitution. But, whatever you do, totally and completely ignore the good news, and believe everything you see on TV.

Then, too, he has no worry about health insurance. Boy, is he covered, not like the millions who have none. And what about the poor, the homeless and those who barely eke out a living? It's not his problem.

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That is RIGHT! It is NOT his problem.

Why worry? Go on vacation. Imagine a month's vacation. No wonder he's in such good condition. And while he's gone, who's minding the store?

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Well, he is minding the store. Only someone ignorant (willfully or otherwise) thinks the President is having a classic "vacation". He spends more time working on his vacation that almost anyone else does at their job.

The other pompous snake?

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No, Clinton "served" his two terms. Got us attacked on 9/11 it looks like too. Good work Slick Willy.

I would think that if Dubya likes Texas so much, he should stay there and let one who has the total concern of our nation and its people take his place. In history, I believe this president will be judged the worst ever.

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And I believe that the writer will be wrong. Like he is about just about everything else. This letter is one of the most ignorant things I have ever seen published. Maureen Dowd would be proud.
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