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Old 08-19-2005, 11:41 AM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: How James Woods Helped Me Collect My Thoughts on Morality.

"As for Hitler I only said he MIGHT not be evil. I would have to know his real motives to be sure."

I think this is where your argument falls apart. Let's suppose Hitler had, in his own mind, a good reason for doing what he did. Let's say he honestly felt that Jews were reponsible for most of the world's problems and he felt he was making the world a better place by trying to exterminate them.

Feeling you're doing the right thing is not enough. The fact of the matter is that he was wrong. And six million people, many of them children who could not possibly, by any stretch of the imagination, be considered responsible for the world's problems. He should have been sure of his facts before embarking on a course of action that resulted in millions of deaths. He was wrong about the influence of the Jews and wrong about how to solve the alledged problem.

My sense is that there's good and bad in everyone. I know when I'm doing something bad and while I might occasionally rationalize it with the cloak of goodness, I know the real truth. I've known a few Mafia types myself and my sense is the opposite of yours: they knew when they were being bad.
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