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Old 08-19-2005, 11:26 AM
Ribbo Ribbo is offline
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Location: Warrington, United Kingdom
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Default Re: Deep thinking hand

Because I know the player very well, the range of hands he would follow through with on the flop is not that great given that I would never bet out on the flop, only ever check raise. This is not a situation that comes up too often, but against players you have played for over 2 years on a regular, often daily basis, you have to occasionally throw them a curveball. Let's say he is now aware that I am capable of checking the nuts to him 3 times. If at some point in the future I establish that by the river, having checked 3 times to him, that he does not have the nuts, I may again check raise any bet and he might have a flashback to the day i stung him for $125 on the river and fold. Also by checking this way, it can very well pay itself back in free cards when out of position in future.
On the turn I gave him a free 20% chance of hitting the river. This was worth $17 to him. I would wager that should the river come a blank, it is worth more than $17 to check to him again and call a bet. If I pot the turn, he will not call, although most players will. As I have pointed out on previous occasions though, sometimes your opponents have no chance whatsoever of winning, and any aggression from you causes them to fold. If you allow them to keep betting , sometimes it's the only way of winning money, plus it makes you look clever when it pays off......
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