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Old 08-19-2005, 08:31 AM
txag007 txag007 is offline
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Default OP favors absolute morality

"Before he became my buddy, I read an interview of him where he was aked how he prepared himself for a villian's role. His reply was that he always tried to inject some righteousness into that villian no matter how dastardly he appeared. Because he realized that except possibly for the truly insane, everybody basically thinks they are a generally good person. Even career criminals, mobsters and scoundrels justify to themselves that there is a good reason for what they do. Almost no one simply says to themselves "I am bad period. So what? They make excuses in their mind which amount to a desire to conform to some sort of "moral" code, twisted as it may be."

Sklanksy's original post is a great argument IN FAVOR of absolute morality. From where does this "moral code" originate? Twisted as it may be, even the criminals mention have some idea of what they ought to be doing.
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