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Old 08-19-2005, 07:32 AM
craig r craig r is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: san diego
Posts: 84
Default Re: How James Woods Helped Me Collect My Thoughts on Morality.

Sorry, it was too late for me to edit my post. But, I wanted to add, that I beleive that given the right circumstances, that anybody is pretty much capable of anything. As some of you have read other posts of mine in the other various forums, I am fairly far left (wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy past liberal). If there was a draft tomorrow I would do whatever it took to get out of it. Not just because I don't want to die, but because I would fine it morally objectionable (as I am sure others would as well). But, lets just say there was nothing I could do and I had to go. And I had to fight and kill other people. Now, doing this and knowing that i am morally oppossed to killing someone, does that make me even more of an "evil" person, than lets say a hitler or kissinger? I would actually being saying fck my conscious. Where neither of these two guys thought they were doing anything wrong. So, who would actually be more evil? Hitler and Kissinger or me?


Edit for: Sorry both the posts were discussing poliitics in a sense. It just seems that the greatest atrocities are usually pulled off my governments.
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