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Old 08-18-2005, 05:14 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Ab Exercises/Getting that 6-pack

If you are working that hard before a weight training session, that is probably why you see no benefits from it. Doing 45 minutes of cardio, and depleting your muscles of glycogen before a workout, is probably why you have shown no results. You havent backed up any statements with research, like sublime has. Only to say that the [censored] mags you read say its true, while even mens health doesnt say its true. Im not saying cardio is bad, its not, but its neither the best nor the quickest way to having a great physique.

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wow, way to prove my point about reading comprehension. I never said I wasnt seeing results, and I never quoted a magazine as a source (or even mentioned a magazine). As for research, you havent supplied any either. But if you really wanna prove me wrong, go research how many calories a pound of muscle burns in a day, and how many pounds of muscle a year the average adult male can put on, then go find out how many calories are in a pound of fat. I'm betting once you do that tho, you'll realize my point.

Anyway, I'm done with this whole convo, because i've degraded to pointless dickwaving and arguing with posters I generally like.

Alobar out

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Cardio has plenty of benefit, but it still releases next to no growth hormones. Growth hormones help burn fat all by themselves.

Whether or not you add any muscle.

The truth is, cardio can make you extremely skinny, though what's left will be great muscle, though not necessarily very strong muscle. But super lean. However, unless you're genetically very gifted, it won't put on much muscle, and will actually inhibit the growth of muscle mass by turning muscle fibers from fast-twitch to slow-twitch, which has less potential for growth in size. Aside from which, it will tend to eat up muscle there is faster than it can be replaced.

That change of muscle, lack of muscle gain, and loss of existing muscle CANNOT help in the quest to lose weight. If you want to show your abs, you are extremely well served first by not losing the muscle you have, and then by gaining new muscle.

The new muscle itself will not give you a six-pack by itself, but then again, for most of us by far, neither will anything else but diet, not exercise.

But the PROCESS of getting the new muscle will release growth hormone that helps burn off fat. That's something aerobics will not do, because only subjecting the body to severe resistance triggers significant growth hormone release. Run 20 miles and you'll probably be real skinny. Squat 20 heavy squats and you won't be skinny. Your body won't allow it.

So lifting heavy helps get you to the six-pack stage, and once you're there, the extra muscle helps keep you there.

You'll still need proper diet to get the six-pack no matter which path you take. Cardio is still excellent exercise. But if you want to get to the six-pack stage, you'll be much better served by making heavy lifting part of your routine than by relying on cardio alone.
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