Thread: 2-7 TD Heads Up
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Old 08-17-2005, 05:43 PM
timprov timprov is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 88
Default Re: 2-7 TD Heads Up

Note that this is against someone who raises a lot, and by a lot I think Sklansky means even more than I do. Certainly 2x7 ought to be three-bet OOP.

As a basic fairly-tight guideline, play any hand with a 2 and a 7 in it, 2x8 and 3x8. If you need to loosen up add 23, 24, 25, and semibad one-card draws like 3457. 3-bet 2x7, 2xx8, 3xx8 and better.

You won't run into many of these in TD though, because unlike holdem there are a lot of hands that just aren't playable, and nearly everyone realizes this. Against a typical player who almost never raises and draws 3, you'll want to be a little more passive. Against a nut who raises and draws 4 or 5, you'll want to 3-bet more.
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