Thread: Gas Prices
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Old 08-17-2005, 04:43 PM
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Default Gas Prices

When will it stop?

I think the government could pass a law saying that all new cars sold in the US after say.......2020 must depend on something other then fuel. This could be done today if they wanted to. This way we will slowly ween our selfs of oil. We can still have gas stations for the older cars sold before 2020 but after about 20 years after that oil will almost be obesolite(sp).

We will always use oil based products, lawnmowers, dirtbikes, etc. I also know that what Im saying is a long way off, but we need to start acting NOW! IMO the govt.(including the Dem. party) doesnt want to change anything, fact is (not sure of the numbers) people, very few, are making multi-multi billions a year profit off us.
This includes business that we dont connect to oil, but ther must be some connection.

To some up my post Id say America is getting fleeced by or own people and a few foriegn Govts. They have billions even if we manage to make a couple million threw out or own life there is no comparison to the money they scheme from us and that is why the make the polices(billions start govts) and when a bussiness deal goes bad over billions its not just I will sue you, its WARS, killings, and other very bad things. IMO Iraq war now is just a business deal gone wrong between the wealthest people in the world.

PS. not a Bush Bash post, voted twice for him and cant wait to vote for Darth Vader.......I mean Cheney
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