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Old 08-17-2005, 02:58 PM
bdohaney bdohaney is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 95
Default Re: Please help, need advice (long)

Insulting people is just as bad as scamming them.

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No, its not. Do you see why? And I get no thrill out of it, however, because I know people who have been victims of scamming jackasses like you, I just want to make it clear that you are a jackass, and you I sincerely hope that no one else in this forum gives you any kind of useful advice. You post some kind of proof that you've paid restitution to your victims, than maybe. Other than that, you are undeserving of the knowledge that these forums contain.

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Look. You don't know the circumstances behind what was going on in my life at the time. My fiance, who is a genuinely good person, was at risk of being hurt if I didn't come up with some of that money. She did not deserve to get hurt, so I did the only thing I could do to make sure that she was not affected by my problem.

So, if that means that some rich a-hole has to go a few months without a merchandise card, I'm perfectly fine with that. I would rather see him hurt for a few months than see my fiance hurt for more than a second. Call me a jackass all you want.

But if you think that insulting another human being isn't on the same level, than I truly feel bad for you.

You have no right to insult me, or anyone else for that matter. If you'll notice, I have not once insulted or attacked any one on this board. I have been nothing if not patient and appreciative of helpful advice.

If you knew me and my situation, I guarantee you would not think the way you do of me. I do not have to "prove" anything to you. All I have to do is look at the positive people who proudly call themselves my friends, and consider me to be family.

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Now, I am not trying to be a total donkey here or anything, but... You are a criminal. The post of the guy listing all of the red flags? He was right. You may have read Sklansky's books, but if you don't know what BB means, then you weren't paying very much attention. If your fiancee matters so much to you, then why did you continue to get yourself deeper in debt? All I know is that it sounds like you are in for a long and bumpy ride. And that you should probably get out now while you still can.
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