Thread: 2-7 TD Heads Up
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Old 08-17-2005, 11:12 AM
Hosayif Hosayif is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 30
Default 2-7 TD Heads Up

In Holdem for Advanced Players, Sklansky says to do this against people who raise a lot:


Call at least 40% of raised pots.
Reraise 25% of raised pots

On the Flop:

After reraising-
Check bottom 20% of hands
Check-raise top 20% of hands

After Calling-
Call more than 50% of hands

I was wondering, what are the top 40% of hands in TD with 3 draws to go and the top 25%? What are the top and bottom 20% with two draws and what are the top 50% (or slightly more) of hands with two draws to go?

Also, is there a free (preferrably Mac, but windows works too) program I can get that I can use to find out this stuff and to run simulations for 2-7 TD?
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