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Old 08-17-2005, 09:19 AM
JayLear JayLear is offline
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If poker is not a sport than neither is bowling, pool, and golf. And many BET on the side in these sports. So they may be even more degenerate than poker players. As in poker betting is a part of the game. In the others it is not, it is added for there degenerecy. These 3 sports are also filled with pasty faced overweight guys.

I'm not say these sports are filled with degenerats. What i'm saying is the world is filled with degenerates and can be found in all sports in some fashion. Is Michael Jordan(and many other b-ball players) a degenerate gambler? I think there can be an argument for that. But i don't hear him bashing basketball for being filled with degenerates. So the point is his commnetary is filled with just preconcieved notiins of what he thinks poker is becuase he doesn't know anything about it or like it. He likes baseball so that is a "great game" to him. We have degenerates but so does evetry other sport or event. He was way unfair with the bashing and his prejudices.

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Is whether or not an event can be gambled on your basis for what can be considered a sport? Because my buddies and I used to bet to see who could piss the farthest off my balcony when we were liquored up. Would that be considered a sport? If so, I'm pretty sure I could medal in that.

Look, basketball, football, and baseball probably are filled with more degenerates than poker. Michael Jordan is most likely 10 times the degenerate gambler that Greg Raymer is. So if that's your problem with what Costas said then fine -- I agree with you. But who cares?

But if your problem is that he said that poker isn't a sport and doesn't require athletic skill, then give it up.
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