Thread: Russian brides?
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Old 08-17-2005, 02:08 AM
DarkForceRising DarkForceRising is offline
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Default Re: Russian brides?

I have quite a few Russian and Ukrainian friends and they are great people.

Anyway, one couple I know was aquainted with this total babe (Lilia) who was courted and married by an American guy. We were all hanging out one day (her husband was working) and the attraction between us was just ridiculous. I speak a reasonable amount of Russian therefore making things all that much more fun (they like our accents, too).

Ultimately, she stayed faithful to the husband whom , frankly, I do not believe she truly loved. I was disappointed but happy for the dork she married as this said a lot about her character.

I would imagine the hotter the chick the more problems you are going to have (the aforementioned girl being a major exception). The former Soviet Union is becoming less third world all the time. There are plenty of guys over there with money, nowadays, so the US is becoming less appealling to them all the time.

I know of another guy (cab driver) who married this super hot cop chick from Moscow. I believe she has divorced him by now. From what I knew about the situation she was not too happy with the conditions he provided her with. Moscow, Kiev, St.Petersburg etc... are big, sophisticated cities. These women often have a warped view of what the United States is really like and wind up being pretty disappointed with life in Des Moines.

In conclusion, if somebody was seriously considering this, I would recommend finding a girl from a small, poor town. However, my primary suggestion would be to not mess with it.

The immigration process is brutal and you have no idea what they are REALLY all about. Are they just using you to get their papers so that, eventually, they can bring their mafia boyfriend over to clean you out?
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