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Old 08-16-2005, 04:29 PM
DarrenX DarrenX is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Chicago, western suburbs
Posts: 32
Default Re: The right thing to do? (long)



2) Should I be responsible for all the costs? I honestly don't care about the $$$, but I more care about what's the fair/right thing to do.

[/ QUOTE ] I wouldn't pay anything, and if this person, who you consider a friend, pestered me about the money I'd kick him in the teeth. I have good reasons for this. 1) He left his bag in your car. Apparently he didn't ask you if it was okay to do this. 2)He blames you for getting his bag stolen. You didn't steal the bag, some jerk did. 3) He was unappreciative of you driving 40 miles to help him out. Gas prices! For that alone he is well deserved of a nice kick in the teeth. 4) He's not your friend or buddy. Maybe he's trying to rip you off.

[/ QUOTE ]

For clarification, I didn't drive 40 miles out of my way in this instance- he lives a couple miles away from where I work, so this trip wasn't a big deal. He definitely isn't trying to rip me off, as he could have done that several times over so many ways by now it's not a concern.

I think it's more of a matter of ignorance more than anything. A few of you suggest I bring up gas prices nonchalantly , but I still think that puts us in the "counting every nickel and dime to make sure things balance out" scenario. I don't want to be the guy that goes to the bar and says, "ok, Joe Schmoe got the first round and I got the second one, but he got a mixed drink which was more expensive than my beer, sooo..."

I guess I'm beyond the initial issue of who should pay for the stuff; Now it's more of a how can I make sure I don't feel taken for granted.

I talked with him later yesterday after the initial issue; he had calmed down, and seemed wishy-washy about what he was looking for reimbursement on. I said something to the effect of, 'whatever you think is fair', and left it at that. We'll see what happens today.
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