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Old 08-16-2005, 05:12 AM
ThinkQuick ThinkQuick is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 97
Default Re: Two others die, or three others die? sorta.

I picked the 3, but you didn't have to emphasize the " I'll pretend I wasn't there. Or something". Even if I was there and possibly on national television there - i do nothing.

The major Judaic tenet to look to in these cases is the fact that you as a human cannot kill to save another life (or lives). Not only is it not your perogative to decide who is more deserving of life, but additionally in Judaism the prohibition against murder is more stringent than the commandment to save a life.

" we do not choose inaction as a result of our uncertainty, rather we have decided that murder is worse than not saving a person": Lifeboat Ethics
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