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Old 08-16-2005, 04:23 AM
usmhot usmhot is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Ireland
Posts: 97
Default Re: To Christians (not an attack, but an honest query)

To a certain extent I'm with you on this Cooker.
I grew up a fully practicing Irish Catholic. Even became involved in youth oriented Christian groups in my teens. Was, in fact, very devout.
Then a personal tragedy in my twenties kind of blew that all away.
Also, I did a science degree. And have always maintained a keen interest in physics, in particular.
I am now at the same point as you seem to be. I find the explanations offered by science to be far more cogent and consistent than any the various religions have offered. And, I find there is little room left for faith.

However, there are a couple of things I would say in answer to your questions.
My understanding was always that having faith without proof was far more glorifying to God than having faith only with proof. If God needed to provide us with proof then we would be mere automatons - no more interesting than toys. So, the whole freewill thing was God's gamble, so to speak, for a bigger pay-off.

Also, even at my most devout, I never believed the stories in the Bible (particularly the Old Testament) to be anything more than mere contemporary parables - designed to teach some points to the people at the time. So, a story in which God is a vengeful being was probably very effective at a time when man's sophistication included routine stonings.

Only in the New Testament do we begin to see that the message is universally one of love and forgiveness. But, unfortunately, the organised religions have twisted it to their own ends and corrupted it. (Even though I seriously doubt it will happen) when the 'judgment' comes I comfort myself with the thought that the first to be punished will be the many many priests, bishops and popes who have used God's word to manipulate ordinary people for their own greed.
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