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Old 08-16-2005, 04:13 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Default NL Preflop Question #2

Still didn't do the math but it appears a fold is clearcut in my first problem. When I said you have AQ I meant offsuit. His AK possibility is either. And pray tell why are some people implying that the tournament situation matters in this question? Amazing.

Anway question 2 is the same except he could also have two nines, which he will also fold if you move in. Now what?

Original question:

10 20 Blinds. You are in the Big Blind with AQ. You have plenty of chips. A tight player starting with a short stack of 300 makes it 100 to go in early position. All fold. 80 to you. He has 200 left.

You somehow are almost positive about his play. He has two tens or higher or AK. If you move in he will fold only the two tens. If you call he will always move in 200 on the flop and call if you move in. Preflop you should call, fold or move in?
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