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Old 08-15-2005, 09:53 PM
SeanSkill SeanSkill is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 71
Default loose Party 6 Max Tables (Long)

I have just recently started playing the 1/2 6 max at party. I played about 3000 hands
this weekend and found the tables to be incredibly loose. I would say on average
the table vips were in the range of 45% with many tables having players with vpip's
in 60/70/80% range. I can see that this is obviously very good for me, what with the
fundemental theory of poker and all.

I printed out Mebenho's (sp?) starting hands chart and started playing just one table
trying to get a feel for the new hand values. After getting the chart pretty much memorized
I moved up to two tables, only occaisionaly having to look at the chart. I understand
that no hand chart is going to teach you how to play, but I have a 100k hands at
2/bb 100 at .50/1.00 and 1/2 full. I figured that I would be fine postflop with some adjustments.

My stat's at full are 20/9/3.5 and at 6 max after 3 k hands were 27/16/3. If I were to run
into tables like I experienced at 6 max at a full ring game I would be in heaven, however
I feel lost at 6 max.

An example of the problems I was experiencing, I raise pocket 8's UTG, and 5 people see the flop. I would assume the reason for raising medium pocket pairs would be to limit the field, not to build a pot. Normally at a full table with these conditions I would play tighter, not bluff and just value bet. This seems to contradict everything I have read about 6 max i.e playing more hands and showing down lesser hands. from my experience these games were no foldem.

I honestly think that you have to showdown the best hand in these loose games, and that playing my standard 20/9 full game would be more profitable.

Any comments suggestions would be much appreciated.
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