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Old 08-15-2005, 02:45 PM
Phoenix1010 Phoenix1010 is offline
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Default Re: Friends colluding

I didn't miss a thing. 1) you know people are colluding. 2) you say you can't do anything about it 3) "loyalty" to a group of casual friends supercedes doing what is right 4) it's upsetting to you.

It isn't that you can't do anything, but you WON'T do anything. Why would that be? Right, you don't want to risk your bankroll because you know when the site does a check on the accounts you'll pop up.

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lol. You got me detective. My conscience got to me, but I didn't want to give myself away to a bunch of strangers who have no idea who I am, so I made up a story to protect myself. My ignore list grows.

Edit: By the way, I've never played on the site that they're playing on, much less have a bankroll there.


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Now, THAT is funny...and it explains your lack of concern for cheating. You're either the clumsiest liar in the world or you made this whole story up and can't seem to extricate yourself. Perhaps calling people names will help.

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Or perhaps the fact that there are many dozens of poker sites out there, coupled with the fact that I've only played at five of the large ones, and the fact that I said this was a smaller site, makes it not the least bit implausible that I haven't played at this particular site? Do you play at all the same sites as all of your friends? Oh but this explanation doesn't fit with your guideline that there are only two possibilities. Sorry for making sense. Keep grasping at straws.

My lack of concern for cheating is certainly permeating throughout this thread. I must have said that I don't care about cheating at least five times. Your ability to make things up and use them in arguments is impressive but it won't get you anywhere. Perhaps accusing me of the same will help.

The story is true. I'm honestly having a ton of trouble figuring out what motivation one would have to fabricate it, or what possible reason I could have for lying about anything to a bunch of strangers. Furthermore, the story has ended. Let it go.

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