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Old 08-15-2005, 12:04 PM
Phoenix1010 Phoenix1010 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
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Default Re: Friends colluding

Sorry, I don't mean to dig this thread back up, I've been offline since yesterday. But I find it hard to let this stand.

I am convinced that the only thing you took away from this whole deal is to never again post about the exploints of your cheating friends.

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wtf are you talking about? How are you convincing yourself of anything, and what on Earth are you basing it on?

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Easy. What convinced me was your response to the many who told you to report the cheaters. You wanted validation for your decision to not turn them in and you got pretty defensive when it turned out differently.

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Seriously, you're a moron. My only response to people who told me to turn them in was that I was not going to. Find a single post where I responded to someone telling me to turn them in and I said anything else. When did I get defensive about turning them in? My first defensive post was a response to someone who was saying that my friends reflect badly upon me. My second defensive post was a response to someone claiming that I was cheating with my friends. My third defensive post was a response to an offensive post in which the other moron incorrectly claimed to know what my motivations were, in addition to calling me a douchebag. My fourth defensive post was a response to your idiocy. And hopefully this is my final one. The best lesson I learned from this is that I need to use the ignore function.

And anyway, what lesson do you think this thread was supposed to teach me? Cheating is wrong (except when my buddies do it), thanks chief, I'll keep that in mind.

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If you find any place in this entire thread where I said that there's nothing wrong with my friends cheating, then maybe this 'FYP' makes sense. Unfourtunately, you'll find much to the contrary. Now go away.

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