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Old 08-15-2005, 10:40 AM
Gbob Gbob is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Buffalo, NY
Posts: 69
Default Dumbest move you\'ve ever made

Last night I was Hamlet at the poker table. I was only crazy when the wind blew North North West, but damn was it blowing hard. The inability to make a decision was killing me, and I was treading water. If not for Lady Luck I wouldn't have been up at all...and I knew I didn't deserve even that. By Three in the morning I was tired, and disgusted with the way I was playing.

It was at that moment I made one of the dumbest moves of my life.

The game was Omaha, and thanks to a couple of threes in the hand, I had flopped a boat. With a flush draw on board, the hand held serious promise. For the first time all night, I played the hand perfecdtly, drawing my arch nemisis into the pot. There was sixty dollars in the pot when the spade came up and I knew my foe made his flush. He checked, with the intention of raising and I pushed all in, keeping my body language perfect. He reached for his chips, as I worked hard on avoiding his eyes and reaching for a smoke.

"You got the boat?" he asked.

Now, there are many things one can say in this situation. Best, perhaps to say nothing. One may debate the best thing to say, but may I offer the worst.

"Yes" I answered, perhaps in the back of my mind thinking he had called. I honestly don't know. Suddenly I panicked. Crap! I just told him my hand by accident. This is where one has to rely upon their brain to make a sound judgement and come up with a clever response. I slipped to auto-pilot and waited a millisecond for my brain to come up with something smart to cover everything up. My cover?

"S@#t! I just told you what I had."

Thanks brain. Thanks for nothing. Now I don't feel bad for trying to kill you with all those drugs and booze.

He sat there stunned for a moment thinking to himself "Is Bob really that dumb?" Finally he folding, showing how much respect he gave my ability to screw things the pooch when the pressure was on.

Fine. Perhaps I'm not sure if telling the opposition what my cards are before he bets is the dumbest thing I ever did...but in the morning it sure feels like it.

What's the dumbest thing you folks have ever done at a table?
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