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Old 08-14-2005, 05:59 PM
Yort Mada Yort Mada is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 3
Default basic odds question..

i was counting my outs for my flush draw on the flop to hit on the turn.

i've seen 5 cards (3 on the flop and my 2)

that leaves 47 unseen cards

i have 9 outs to hit my flush draw

47 divided by 9 = 5.2.

So i would need better pot odds than 5.2 to 1 to call profitably. I realize almost never fold the nut flush draw or a strong one, i'm just using this as an example for my question.

with that said and i'm assuming my math is correct. I was surfing the micro-limit FAQ's and found a pot odd chart. Well according to the pot odd chart, it says i need 4.1 to 1 for the call to be profitable.

Now my question(s) i think what the pot odds chart is saying is its 4.1 to 1 to hit your flush draw by the river. Could someone show me the formula to calculate 'by the river'?

and also, which odd is correct? 5.2 or 4.1 to call profitably?

Thanks for your time.
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