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Old 08-14-2005, 03:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Was I out of line/stupid?

I never argue with the dealer unless she miscalls a hand. If I'm in doubt of the legitimacy of a play, I never suggest the correct action; I simply ask the dealer what my current options are. There are several reasons for this:
1. In the event that I get an extra bet into the pot when I have a good hand, it is a small advantage in a single pot, and doesn't happen enough in the long run to have a significant effect;
2. Most players make honest mistakes rather than shooting angles;
3. Slowing down the game and calling the floor may cause me to miss out on two or more hands in this session that I otherwise would have been able to play;
4. I really can't afford to let any player at the table know that I know anything about the rules of the game, as this would make it very clear that I've seen enough of this situation to know the correct ruling.
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