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Old 08-14-2005, 03:50 AM
7ontheline 7ontheline is offline
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Default Resorts East Chicago 10/20 LHE

I suck at writing, so this won't be a blow-by-blow of my quick trip out there. I hadn't been back since they remodeled the rooma and changed owners. It is now well lit and a pleasant room, if a bit cramped. I have been playing only internet poker for the past year, so I was a bit unsure of how I would do live again. I normally play 5/10 6 max online, so I figured 10/20 live should be pretty easy to handle. They had 3 10/20 games spread - apparently they usually spread 2 so our game wasn't always full but I didn't mind. The staff and dealers seemed fine - I didn't really notice anything unusual anyway.

As for the poker. . .these players play SO bad it's amazing. Numerous raised pots with 5 or more players, sometimes 7 or 8 even. Large pocket pairs were definitely asking to get run down - suckouts were the norm. The game was a mix of mostly loose-passives, one guy who was a little LAGy but mostly stupid and a couple of decent players. I (humble me, I know) felt like I was the best player at the table, although there may have been 1 or 2 OK players. I ran pretty well, so I ended up +20 BB at the end of the night. Got AA once and it held up, and JJ held up once, but KK and JJ got smoked. It seemed like I virtually had odds to call on every street with any draw whenever I was in a pot because of all the poor players hanging around with crap. The best part was all the idiots who kept bluffing at the river - hello, NOBODY folds! Good times. Definitely want to go back, although I probably won't for a while because the wife isn't happy with me heading out there. Good thing she's out of town right now.

Anyone know how the 20/40 games are? If they are anywhere near as soft, that's where I'm headed next time.
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