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Old 08-14-2005, 12:28 AM
PokerAce PokerAce is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 385
Default Re: Looking for individual to help with bot

So let me get this straight. You write the easy part of the bot and you expect others to write the hard part for you? Yes, scraping the screen and reading the pot sizes, clicking the buttons, etc, is the easy part, despite how difficult you may have found it.

That's pretty pathetic.

Why don't you spend your time actually learning how to play poker instead of trying to write software to do it for you?

Also, this is a terrible forum to post this kind of request on. Players here spend hundreds of hours learning and studying how to play poker. Nobody is going to want to help you write a bot that will give you the same advantage they spent untold hours perfecting.

Oh yeah, enjoy having your account locked and money taken by the sites you choose to use this on.

I apologize for the harshness of this post. I am a professional poker player and bots like the one you want to develop is a threat to my livelyhood.
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