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Old 08-12-2005, 06:25 PM
Phoenix1010 Phoenix1010 is offline
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Default Friends colluding

Two poker buddies of mine, not really close friends, but we've had some good times together. They play mid to high stakes on one of the smaller sites and occassionally play at the same table. Ususally they just play against each other, but once in a while they purposefully cheat through collusion. One of them bragged to me recently about the last such incident, in which they took a fairly large sum off of some poor kid because he outdrew one of them. They made bets on how long it would take to get all his money. It's not the first time they've done it, and probably not the last.

I'm just curious as to what the general feeling of the poker community is on this subject. Do people have friends who do this? Are there people on here who do this frequently? Do you fraternize with cheaters?

Although I know it's none of my business, the knowledge offends me. You wouldn't be far off in describing me as a straight arrow kind of guy, but just as a poker player, the idea of people out there cheating and basically stealing money from those of us who play for fun or for a living just pisses me off to an incredible degree. I'm not sure what to do, if anything.

Any comments appreciated.

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