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Old 08-12-2005, 05:52 PM
centja1 centja1 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 44
Default Re: Butchered 10-20 hand VB or CC

is the super lag drunk game crusher a TRUE maniac who would 4-bet on the button with 97o and continue betting and raising with his gutshot or is he simply 4-betting with that kind of hand and then playing somewhat reasonably postflop? (I think there is a big strategic difference in the kind of maniac we're dealing with)

If the first statement is true, i would pop the river every chance I get because your hand is no doubt better than the maniac's and more than likely better than everyone else straining to call down on this guy with less than spectacular hands.

If the second scenario is the case, I wouldn't be able to resist getting one bet or raise in on the river, but would be wary of going to 4 bets since even maniacs pick up a hand every now and then.
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