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Old 08-12-2005, 07:15 AM
rgschackelford rgschackelford is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Detroit, MI
Posts: 45
Default Re: Look Mom/Dad I won 12K

That's spot on. I played online for a month and won about $100 playing .25/.50 limit (I'm new. Cut me some slack with the limits!), and my Mom actually confronted me a few days before my first live house tournament, and TOLD me that I had a gambling problem. This really weighed heavy on me, until I won $700 that night. When I spread my newly acquired "wad" of cash on the dining room table that next morning, she was awestruck, and would listen to me telling her how poker was a game of skill, with luck involved.

Several months later, I won another house tournament for $500, and an online freeroll for $120, and told my Dad about it. He refused to believe that there was anything such as "free money", even though I explained that it was apromotion to get people on the site, and to the tables. He's pretty hard-headed, and matters are made worse that most of my Mom's side of the family are your stereotypical 40-something slot-pullers. I swear, if I have to listen to one more story about getting three double 7s on a nickel machine, and winning 4000 (whispers: nickels) I will...calm down, calm down, you're better than that, Rusty. It's just that I have heard so many damned stories about being up $80, then, down $30, then up $10, and then even and cashing out, then putting a $20 in a machine while waiting for others to finish up, and running it up to $40, before losing it all, for a grand total of winning $180. If you found a way to make double 7s come up more often, therefore tilting the odds in your favor, without the casinos knowing, then tell me! Why not just sit there and explain to me the plot of all the old shows you saw on TV Land, earlier that day! Once again, sorry. It's frustrating to have to listen to those cackel-hounds gab on about that crap at family get-togethers. Anyway, my Dad is very hard-headed, and I figure that it will take a big score or two to change his mind (say a couple of consecutive 1k scores or something of the like)..

Anyway, that's my thing.

Rusty G.
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