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Old 08-11-2005, 06:38 PM
Tapin Tapin is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 14
Default Re: \"Official\" Late at the Bike thread (8/11)

Dumb question: I've attempted to watch LatB a few times in the last couple weeks, usually tuning in late -- like, 8:30 late -- when I notice a thread here. Each time I get the seven-second splash screen, then an attempt to connect to something else, and then back to the splash screen. I'll typically let it continue doing this for five or ten minutes, and it just continues doing this (with an occasional connection error dialog thrown in, but not consistent). I'm using WMP 10.

Is my problem due to a limited number of connections allowed at the Bike, or is there a codec that WMP just isn't telling me I need, or is there something else going on (PEBKAC)?
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