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Old 08-11-2005, 03:48 PM
2planka 2planka is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 66
Default I think it\'s time to move on (job stuff)

I've been with my current company for 4 years. I currently manage staff at three facilities. I have in-depth knowledge of the products and manufacturing operations at all three plants. The boss who hired me retired last month. A new guy was brought in to replace him, and he's just been promoted to VP, leaving the Director's position open.

At a staff meeting, the new boss said that he's "going to recruit from outside the organization" to fill the Director's slot.

So I'm essentially stuck in this current position with no chance for advancement. Time to make a move, right?

FWIW, the company is doing very well. Stock was $11 when I started here four years ago. Now it's at $46. Good place to work, but my career path is somewhat stymied.

So I should blow the dust of the ole resume and start listening to the recruiters, right? I mean, this can't be a good situation for me, can it?
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